When I Thought I Had 'Rona

This blog is from a thread that I wrote on Twitter in November 2020 about when I was sick in the beginning of 2020. I had been studying medical astrology for about six months at that point, and I used the knowledge I’d been picking up to retroactively diagnose my sickness.

Medical astrology uses the doctrine of melothesia, or assigning the body parts to signs of the zodiac. The planets can also have rulership over parts of the body through the zodiac signs that those planets rule, and I’ve found this to be helpful, along with seeing the planets as pathological attributes and energies that are moving. The body parts are also assigned to the houses when diagnosing where an illness came from and where else it is affecting, with the houses also showing causes to illness as well.

There was a lingering and nagging sensation I felt that couldn’t be shaken when it came to this sickness in the beginning of 2020, as we all watched how the year unfolded. Using techniques that I’d learned, I decided to cast a chart for the moment that I fell ill with this sickness.

Here is the original thread, and this is being posted here now in honor of receiving my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine and getting my second in a couple weeks. I hope to never be a part of a global pandemic again and have to reflect back on it, but this will be posted for posterity, just in case.


I wish that I’d thought to cast this chart at the time, but better late than never: this is the decumbiture chart for the exact moment I texted my mom and told her I was going to the clinic because I was so sick. This was on her birthday: January 5, 2020 at 5:40am. 1/

Decumbiture charts are cast for the moment a person lays down because of an illness, disease, or injury. “Decumbo” is Latin for laying or falling down, and this can also be when someone is admitted into a hospital or when they realize they’re sick. 2/

I had been feeling slightly dizzy and drowsy for over a week before this, and I had just visited my family in Indiana for Christmas. Chilly weather and a group gathering? I figured it was a seasonal cold. This chart was the exact moment I realized it was more than that. 3/

Starting at the beginning: Sagittarius 1H, Ascendant degree is 8° from my own. This decumbiture & my natal chart share the same Ascendant, therefore the same house/sign layout, showing an intuitive alignment with my body when I realized something was drastically unbalanced. 4/

To the Moon next because that shows the body’s flow of energy, and she’s in the Taurus 6H. BINGO! Taurus represents the neck, mouth, and ears. I had an extremely sore throat, very nasty cough/mucous, and my ears were rapidly filling with fluid. This is where my illness lived. 5/

6H of health & illness: remember the same natally, so my 6H Taurus? I thought this was a cold because I get them often, periodic illnesses in this area of the body. These symptoms were normal, showing why I’d expect a seasonal cold, but this was different, ya girl was SICK. 6/

Also in the 6H is Uranus, creating extreme changes. While I had been under the weather for a bit, I woke up in this moment and knew the line had been crossed. The Moon had just passed over Uranus. The disturbance in my body was suddenly too loud to ignore. 7/

Here I’ll say that the most memorable injury I had growing up was tripping on my home’s stairs and ripping my *ear* in half on the railing corner. This was the first time I astral projected, and this was a very defining moment in my spiritual journey as a child. 8/

I’ve never broken a bone or had any other *major* injuries, something I’ll get back to later.... but from here, things get interesting. What finally gave? My body is very resilient, and it takes a lot for me to admit something is wrong. So let’s look at that Capricorn pile. 9/

The Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, and the South Node are all in Capricorn, which represents the knees and more broadly the body’s bone structure. Jupiter is this chart’s ruling planet, in the 2H, stepping into its return in my chart. 10/

The Sun invigorates but Saturn cools. Mercury meddles but Jupiter expands. Important to note, these planets are opposing each other in the Thema Mundi. Conflicting pathological interests create turmoil in the body. The South Node & Pluto both drain and disorient energy. 11/

All of these planets in Capricorn 2H, this place signifies resources, which I had but didn’t see to use because of so much conflict. I couldn’t walk across a room without feeling like I fought a brutal battle due to the Capricorn influence of my bones feeling heavy and dense. 12/

Now speaking of fighting battles, where’s the acute illness bringer? Ah yes, Mars had just entered Sagittarius, so in the 1H. This injected urgency into my need for help. I dislike western healthcare and try to avoid it. Mars said, sorry sweetie! Not this time, gotta go! 13/

It would be nice for something to sweeten the deal, so maybe Venus in Aquarius 3H... Aquarius rules the shins and Achilles, but also the oxygenation of blood. Venus shows pleasure-based illness, and truthfully, I had been smoking far too much grass at this time. 14/

In the 3H of relatives (who I smoked because of: holiday stress), and that compromised circulation.... it makes sense why the nurse freaked out over how much fluid was in my ears. Why? Well, let’s check out Neptune. That sleepy thang is next door in Pisces 4H. 15/

Neptune creates fatigue, and Pisces is a water sign that rules the feet, but also the lymphatic system. Remember how depleted my energy was, literally dragging my feet to walk. This placement has poor drainage, showing why areas of my body were retaining fluid. 16/

Every time I get sick, my lymph nodes swell badly. I mean golf balls in my armpits, even for a small cold, they blow up huge. My natal Pisces 4H means this is my body’s foundational way of fighting infection. So with all of this information, what ties it together? 17/

Before digging into the ties, I said I’d get back to never a broken bone... Jupiter is theeee chart ruler baby! Might be depressed in Capricorn, but my bones are strong & stubborn. Most injuries I’ve had are foot/toe related because I’m a dancer. Pisces 4H, and I love feet. 18/

Not like a foot fetish, more like: “wow look at your arch and toe point, that’s so elegant and beautiful!” Leaps, steps, turns, all leading with the feet. That’s how my injuries have typically shown themselves. So back to illnesses, specifically this nasty & questionable one. 19/

Neptune traditionally shows where things are hidden, in the 4H of private home. I said that I’d just seen my family in Indiana, right? At this time, I thought that I’d gotten sick from holiday gatherings and cold weather, and I said that when I went to the clinic. 20/

The nurse diagnosed me with an ear infection, and I was prescribed medication. I didn’t really have an ear infection, which is why the medicine didn’t do anything. I remained sick but on the mend for the next month, still thinking I got sick from my family’s Christmas. 21/

We all know how the virus took over America in March, right when I started feeling normal again. This lead to me thinking: “holy shit, did I have coronavirus before we really knew it was in the states?” But how would I have gotten sick in Indiana? 22/

Ah, there it is.... Part of Fortune in Leo 9H. I didn’t get sick in Indiana. At the end of November, I was in New York for roughly two weeks. Drove the entire east coast there & back. I walked countless miles in NYC, well more so I strutted like a damn lion due to pure joy. 23/

Back to Neptune, mysterious origins in the 4H of home? My family didn’t get me sick.... I got them sick. It can take multiple weeks for virus symptoms to set in, which lines up perfectly with me starting to feel fatigued and sick on that trip. 24/

Eventually I did get tested over the summer after so much speculation. By that time, I was both negative for the virus and negative for antibodies. One might say “you could never know” if I had coronavirus, but the celestial and terrestrial bodies beg to differ. 25/

Let’s not forget when the dominating media question was, how early and how widespread was the virus before any of us really knew? So yeah, I had the mf rona. I ended up losing almost 20 pounds, not easy for my 5’8” frame when I lift heavy and maintain a stable weight. 26/

This isn’t a product plug, and I’m not linking my family’s business, but I don’t know if I would’ve survived without the holistic medicine we make. When the pills ran out after a week & I still felt horrible, I wasn’t going back until I fought my way (Mars 1H, she pissed). 27/

The medication I was prescribed didn’t help. What helped? Abundant citrus fruits in my belly, soothing tea down my throat, warm Himalayan salt-soaked cloths on my neck and chest, and essential oils inhaled into my lungs. Herbs heal, real shit. 28/

I’m not in any hurry to catch this nasty thing again because it’s wholly possible. If I do, then I’ll be far more prepared, but I’m certainly not being stupid and risking exposure. My family & I were lucky to have *mild* cases. We might not be so lucky next time. 29/

This turned out far longer than expected... Gem/Sag axis popping off, per usual. My greater point is that westernized medicine ignores the cause of illness or injury because they’re too focused on solving the problem. The symptoms will never make sense without the source. 30/

Recently I finished a year long course in holistic nutrition & wellness coaching, further fueling my passion for helping people live healthily. It hasn’t surprised me whatsoever that medical astrology has absolutely captured my heart. 31/

I’ll also say.. this is the first long-form medical delineation I’ve done. I have a large chart collection of friends, family, and clients that I’m now looking at through a different lens, and they’re gracious enough to let me bother them with questions. 32/

With that being said, I’m very open to feedback! I didn’t even touch on that Sun/Moon trine and how a traditionally beneficial aspect turned sour with blurry eyesight for multiple weeks..... or the Mars/MC sextile and how my main job is making holistic healthcare products. 33/

Okay I’m really done now, and I hope you enjoyed this coco-rona medical analysis of my experience! Please wear a mask & don’t gather indoors with people who aren’t in your household! Holidays will come back. Your health might not. 34/34


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