May 2021 Astrology Movements

Mutable May, may it happen! Kicking off eclipse season and shifting planets into more adaptable positions, this month brings a willingness to see things from a different perspective. Sometimes, outdated ideas have to be completely shed like an old shell that has been outgrown before you’re able to blink away the fog and see fresh light. New inspiration requires building a new vital foundation that incorporates this vision. May’s mutability opens up your contradictory feelings to wholly integrate, as it takes honesty to see and accept every versatile part of yourself.

Can you talk and listen?⁣

Can you explain and observe?

Can you be stubborn and understanding?⁣

Can you grow and contract?⁣

Can you disperse and collect?

Can you be poetic and literal? ⁣

Can you grieve and love? ⁣

Can you savor and release?⁣⁣

Can you be strong and soft?⁣

Planetary movements occurring in May, playlist for the month found here ~

3Mercury moves into Gemini.

Gemini is Mercury’s spring domicile, the last leaves of new blooms before the heats of summer rain down. They are the messenger who sticks close to the Sun, giving and receiving the information that we exchange. Usually moving quickly, we will see Mercury stay in Gemini for over two months as it moves retrograde at the end of May! Mercury rules two mutable signs during hot weather, showing how its proximity to the Sun is very literal with the ability to burn up time. This planet and specifically this sign ask us to appreciate our duality, our adaptability, and our flexibility. ⁣You can expect to see your surroundings gaining momentum. Ideas emerging easier, communication flowing smoother, processes progressing expeditiously. Mercury rules all things trade, whether that’s money or ideas. People will be looking to meet in this place of exchange again with fresh livelihood.

8 Venus moves into Gemini.

Things are starting to get more handsy! At the beginning of the pandemic last year, we had six months of Venus in Gemini from April-October 2020 because of a retrograde, but Venus is moving at a nice speed this cycle. Use this opportunity to reflect on how that time frame last year impacted you and how you’re bringing forward those lessons. Gemini rules the hands, and we literally had to type our feelings more while in isolation. Society had to find entirely new ways to connect people to each other, and growing back to normal is different when you are a different person now. We had to relearn how to interact then and can do that again, in ways that are both familiar and foreign. Let yourself fully dive into the experience of old becoming new for a first time in a long time. Let yourself laugh and have fun, exposing your curiosity for what piques your interest. Now having two planets in Gemini, this always playful place in your chart is being further pushed to ponder.

11 New Moon in Taurus.

The Sun and Moon meet in Taurus, a zap to the senses while the mind is growing expansive. This sweet build up to the end of Taurus season is keeping the pace steady while mutable energy is nudging planets into a more mental realm. Venus just moved from its domicile in Taurus to Gemini, making this lunation’s ruling planet provide a lightness to pleasure. Joy should be at the center of all you do, and you deserve to treat yourself with kindness. Things that brought enjoyment at one time might no longer, and you’re allowed to change your mind and rewrite the narrative on how you indulge. Finding and keeping the right groove feels good, but sometimes the harmony needs to be retuned. As easy as it might be sometimes for the mind to think into a spiral, remind yourself that tending to the body’s wants and needs is not an option.

12 Mercury in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius.

This special transit is worth noticing. Mercury and Saturn are both in domicile and moving direct, shortly before both of them will move retrograde in their own signs. Trines are supportive, and this places a bridge of understanding between the fastest and slowest moving traditional planets, outside of the luminaries. The balance of quickness and slowness is showcased, with the air element taking the narrator role and trading silence for voice. This can be utilized for writing out thoughts, expressing beliefs, or anything involving the mind’s ability to communicate. Saturn is boosting up Mercury’s forwardness with a tempered approach, giving longevity to whatever kind of project you may start. Important conversations could happen around this time, either planned or not. As both of these planets will move retrograde soon, speak with purpose and intention to ensure you don’t regret your words later.

13 Jupiter moves into Pisces.

I told some friends that this would be a good transit to plan some orgies, and I was only half kidding. Jupiter is in its watery domicile of Pisces after years of being in Saturn’s houses of Capricorn and Aquarius, and it’s only for a couple months but still worth relishing. Jupiter moves retrograde back into Aquarius later this summer for the rest of this year, so watch the pretty movie trailer of how the beginning of 2022 will look and feel. Travel? Pleasure? Exploration? While we aren’t completely clear out of the woods yet, this is a sign to let your sense of adventure run wild. Jupiter in Pisces wants you to dream a bigger dream of a world where people with differences are all seen as beautiful. When there are endless doors of potential pathways you could walk, choose the one which facilitates a deeper relationship with your soul. This place in your chart is ready to jumpstart and grow while hinting at more to come.

20 The Sun moves into Gemini.

The Sun landing in this mutable air sign begins Gemini birthday season, although Mercury already having been here for a few weeks means the fast moving energy will be in full swing. Gemini season brings witty puns and abundant laughter with an eagerness to make sure the punchline is punched in completely. The next best thing is right around the corner, and you shouldn’t stop yourself from peeking around to see what’s there. Let your imagination dance with contemplation. The weather is getting hotter as summer is on the horizon and as days fluctuate between still spring cool or scorched heat wave. The shifting winds of creativity can blow in dialogue that may ruffle your feathers. If you’re triggered, then you care. Be willing to talk it out, no matter how sideways your thoughts might emerge.

23 Saturn stations retrograde.

The great timekeeper moves backwards in the sky, and this will activate the Saturn in Aquarius/Uranus in Taurus square once the latter catches up to the former. This alignment speaks as policy change, with Saturn keeping its boundaries and Uranus initiating its chaos. Saturn will be retracing the degrees of Aquarius that it’s been moving forward through, going back to reexamine what’s already been done. Aquarius shows us where and how we innovate, often through technology. The redefining of these boundaries continues as all personal changes in usage contributes to a larger community shift in treatment of others online. You represent yourself through technology and on social media in ways that feel accurate and honest to who you are in real life, and this retrograde can clarify where your limits exist on how much you can give. It’s not bad or wrong to have natural limitations, and it’s actually to be expected and appreciated.

26 Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius.

This is the first of two eclipses with the next in early June, when the luminaries come close to kissing the Nodes during the lunations. The rulers of this eclipse are Mercury and Jupiter, who both just moved into domicile, in their signs of Gemini and Pisces respectively. The last eclipse cycle occurred in November and December of 2020, which was also on the Gemini/Sagittarius axis. These places in your chart have stories being rewritten. Gemini is a storyteller while Sagittarius is a traveler, and it’s time to reconsider the narratives you subscribe to and the philosophies you follow. Allow yourself to be changed by the new information you intake. No corner of your personal constitution will remain untouched when you go searching for a standing spot with stability. We all have a hill that we’re willing to die on, but you really want to make sure that it’s worth it. Your hill could be a strong mountain backed with facts, or it could be an anthill poked with holes ready to collapse at first scrutiny.

29Mercury and Venus conjunct in Gemini.

On the day that Mercury stations retrograde, Venus slides up next to it with a few quippy words and a saucy wink. Conjunctions have the nature of Mercury with planetary energy on top of each other and figuring out how to coexist, for better or for worse. While this is still a Mercurial exchange being in Gemini, Venus is zooming by as the messenger is still. Contradictory energy that the sign of twins already holds is amplified by the normally speedy Mercury being still and the nocturnal indulgent Venus moving fast. You can want things that don’t always make sense, so give yourself permission to think about the source of that desire instead of shaming it. If you are holding on to anything unrequited, then let it spill out from you. In the same breath, be careful to not start anything that you have no intention of finishing.

29 Mercury stations retrograde.

This is the second of three Mercury retrogrades of 2021, all three occurring in air signs. This one is happening in Gemini, and this being one of Mercury’s domiciles means an extra dose of convolution. It will be retrograde until June 22, so be aware that your words may get misinterpreted even with due diligence. There is no need to get worked up about retrograde planets as it happens frequently, only an awareness of what’s happening and where it’s happening in your chart. Mercury is going to have more authority to do its fullest retrograde funkiness by being in one of its domicile signs. You could see arguments over how something was worded, where someone put their hands, why a joke isn’t appropriate in civil conversation, or what people define as right versus wrong. This is the beginning of going back where we’ve just been, so keep a level head moving into June.

Many blessings for your month of May, MRM <3


Mercury's 2021 Whirlwind: Part 2 of 3


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