February 2021 Astrology Forecast

Mercury is retrograde, Venus is on the move, and things are becoming a bit dreamy. Venus is doing major work slugging through Aquarius and hooking up with everyone along the way, meanwhile Saturn and Uranus are setting up their year-long showdown square. Saturn and Uranus will each move retrograde, making this the first of three exact squares during 2021 as they flirt with each other and show how shocks can be felt through changes in rules. February also sees the end of the first of three Mercury retrogrades this year, all occurring in air signs. We can expect to see shifts in our communication patterns, especially with online regulations and crediting information sources. It had been a long time since I’d written any poetry, and maybe it’s Valentine’s Day coming up or maybe it’s my heart already dreaming of Venus in Pisces, but these rhythmic phrases demanded presence over traditional delineations. Read them out loud, soak them in, let yourself enjoy the luxuriousness of words.

Planetary movements occurring in February ~

1Venus moves into Aquarius. Invigorate the mind and open the senses to possibilities never imagined before. Express your thoughts, create a new reality, but still pass down the loving lore. Enjoy being pushed to think outside the box. Don’t go completely nuts thinking about stocks.

6Venus conjunct Saturn in Aquarius. Bring new boundaries into your foreground. Combust in lust in all the ways you can be bound. Savor in a shared vision. Make pleasure your mission.

8Mercury conjunct Sun in Aquarius. Play and explore under the beams. See things as candidly as they seem. Quickly moving data under Solar scrutiny and laid bare. What you thought existed wasn't even there.

10Mercury in Aquarius square Mars in Taurus. Maybe it’s do what you say or maybe it’s say what you do. Hasty, misguided actions will come back to haunt you. Be willing to change and grow steadily with time. See how easily outdated ideas can be abandoned for the sublime.

11New Moon in Aquarius. Crammed and rejuvenating energy that is whirling in delight. Feeling both the weight and the light emerging forthright. Make the ideal story you believe will benefit the most. Ensure your own soul that you’re an accommodating host.

11Venus conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius. Beginning a weekend of being exposed. Let your desires run wild from your head to your toes. Divine benefic power setting off joint reverence. When we merge as one and find no difference.

13Venus conjunct Mercury in Aquarius. Delicious truths take center stage. Dance your dreams as if you were freed from a cage. Words should only fly when given proper care. Offer your vulnerability without despair.

14Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius. Day of love and consumer driven selling. Meeting of the information tricksters that can come to odds in yelling. The big picture and the minutiae, vacillating while stirring up a fizz. Calm will reign when what is accepted is only what truly is.

17Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus. Signature moment, values put on full blast. Innovate the future and don’t get stuck in the past. Earth cuts through air when it makes a new path and shifts. Examine how you can work with untimely and inconvenient gifts.

18Sun moves into Pisces. Bright recognition providing more intense depths into the mind. Extend a hand with the hope to be kind. Air to water, progress to pondering. With renewed creativity, out into the wild we go wandering.

19Venus in Aquarius square Mars in Taurus. A confrontation between the inners of the night sect. Allowing understanding to flow as direct. Authority or love or utility or hate. Staying aware of your keen ability to berate.

20Mercury in Aquarius stations direct. The coast is clear on the other side of reverse. Making sure that you believe everything you endorse. Clarified intentions into view. Outreach and responsibility refreshed anew.

25Venus moves into Pisces. Illustrious, laughter-loving queen exalted with grace. Fair lady moves into her high honoring place. A guest of honor with favored tools. Playing by a joyfully fun set of rules.

27Full Moon in Virgo. Practical ambition boosting detailed refinement. Chaos and self doubt will only feel like confinement. Release expectations of maintaining perfection always. Precision is channeled, you are allowed to rephrase.

February’s Tarot and Oracle cards from my year ahead spread. <3

Seven of Pentacles. Tending to the fruits of your labor. Eyes sharp that could cut like a razor. Collect your coin. Harvest then rejoin. The horizon holds a climax from continual work. Satisfaction and celebration awaits, behold the smirk.

Inner Vision. You know what’s wrong, and you know what’s right. Believe in yourself, and don’t lose sight. Wrong or right can exist in a culture and be universal. They can also exist within your circumstances and be extremely personal. Discernment is required on a path with zig zag. Maintain your direction, leave behind any lag.

Six of Pentacles. Just as the messenger is reversed this month, the cards move backwards by one. In what types of situations do we give to all versus giving to none? Uneven donations. Empty sensations. Continue to spread generosity. Never lack authentic sincerity.

Skull / Death. Accept the endings that are inevitable and forthcoming. Feel the burden of loss as a constant humming. Endings are beginnings in a continuous cycle. The constant renewal of life is vital. Show reverence to death for all that it creates. Through the difficulty and grief there are still so many good updates.

The Animal. We are primal in our truest form. Every edge of the spectrum, a fire and a snowstorm. Breathe in nature’s raw power. Breaking down like the tower, blooming fresh like the flower. Inhale energetic sustenance and exhale focused concentration. Your life force is calling for a strong, pulsing fixation.


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