Mercury's 2021 Whirlwind: Part 1 of 3

The first of three Mercury retrograde cycles in 2021 is here. All three of these cycles are occurring in air signs, but first this one: Mercury is retrograde in Aquarius from January 30 until February 20.

Mercury rules our methods of communication and how we translate those details into the world. This is why we often see technology mishaps and vehicle problems during these cycles, as these are ways in which we mentally get our ideas from one place to another & ways in which we physically get our bodies from one place to another. These are all exchanges that are often done without thinking them through completely, and Mercury is here to say, “hold up, let’s think about it!”

Mercury retrogrades give us the opportunity (positive reframing because there’s no need to panic or worry) to look at what we’ve already done and examine how it’s going. Mercury appears to move backwards, going over degrees where it’s already been, before moving direct and then passing over those places again, providing a depth of clarification in the transactional realms of our life.

Aquarius rules steady progress towards foundational change and communities coming together. Following the Great Conjunction of Jupiter & Saturn in Aquarius at the end of 2020, there is already a focus on how we can grow with others instead of competing with them. Superiority complexes and better-than-you attitudes aren’t going to get you that far, really ever but especially right now. Prioritizing yourself at the cost of others is actually going to cost you in the long haul. Community matters, and it will only continue to matter more and more.

During this time, look at how you communicate your intentions. Are you wording your feelings with complete accuracy? Are you being transparent about what you think? Are you presenting yourself and your work with true integrity? Are you considering all of the factors involved in your decision-making process? Sometimes we have to throw out our misconceptions that we’ve been holding onto in order to make room for better ideas. Aquarius wants to invent what’s never been conceptualized before, and that takes tenacity to keep going, since that requires reshaping your mindset around what’s possible.

As a collective, we will witness a public reckoning with how we engage in group dynamics. Mercury will move backwards to the position it was in on Inauguration Day, on the morning that the Senate trial for impeachment begins. This is a very literal “let’s go back and look at that again” moment, where we see how things from the past have to be addressed before we’re able to move forward.  ⁣⁣

I’ll have more to say about the future two Mercury retrograde cycles when we get there. For now, just know that this year is all about words! The element of air corresponds to our intellectual endeavors, and Mercury moving reverse in all air signs this year is initiating a whirlwind of invention. This is the first of three record scratches of 2021 that is asking us to adjust how we transmit our messages to make sure they’re playing clearly. ⁣⁣

“Speak softly and carry a big stick.” 🌪 


February 2021 Astrology Forecast


January 2021 Astrology Forecast