January 2021 Astrology Forecast

Resolutions don’t happen overnight. At least, the good chunk of them don’t. It takes time for crops to grow big enough to harvest. Intentions have to be repeated over and over and over until they become formed and fixed habits in our daily lives. January of 2021 is a time to consistently water the freshly planted seeds of our intentions for the new year. I hope to present my forecasts with a balanced approach of how astrology influences our soul’s feelings along with our body’s reactions, a combination of our sensual and spiritual experiences. As integrated beings, we require both ends of the spectrum to be aligned before we can have a full view of where we stand. There’s a shortened video version of this offering with a five card reading from my year ahead spread on my YouTube channel for those who would prefer to listen: Sense + Spiritscopes.

Planetary movements occurring in January ~

4 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. As the fast-moving planets make their transition from Capricorn to Aquarius, they will each encounter Pluto at the end of Capricorn before passing over Saturn and Jupiter in the beginning degrees of Aquarius. This begins 2021 with a shadowed entry, providing space for us to look back over what we’ve endured throughout the last year. When there is so much circulating information surrounding the new vaccine being distributed after a year of confusing health updates, we must use discernment to find the right data. Mercury invites us to flesh out the details of where we came from and where we are going.

6Mars moves into Taurus. Mars is moving from its fiery domicile of Aries into its earthy detriment of Taurus, meaning that the planet of go-go-go energy is about to sloooow down. Our actions have been stop and start for the last six months, as Mars has been in Aries since June 2020 due to a retrograde cycle. This new placement for Mars encourages us to take deliberate steps towards what we want, particularly for those who set New Years resolutions regarding their body or exercising. Slow and steady wins the race with Taurus, and Mars doesn’t usually like to play this game, preferring things to be abruptly delivered. This is the first ingress of the year, the first planet that moves into a new sign, so it marks a more calculated consideration of how and where we place our efforts.

8Mercury moves into Aquarius. The sky is building towards a pile up of planets in airy Aquarius in February, and Mercury joining Saturn and Jupiter there is the first step of this. Mercury is the fastest changing planet besides the Moon, and Mercury is said to carry messages as it retrogrades often and never gets that far away from the Sun. In Aquarius, these messages are coming through the radio with static. There is a disconnected frenzy between how information is being processed into our conscious awareness. We can’t quite turn the knob to the right channel to hear the message clearly, but the outline is still being grasped. Lean into the fuzziness because your mind can transform half-baked ideas into magnificence with the right ingenuity.

8Venus moves into Capricorn. Venus is moving into her fall of Capricorn, as it is opposite her exaltation of Cancer. This means Venus can’t perform her ideal agenda in this place, as she wants to embody beauty and luxury, but Capricorn is ready to do the grunt work. We find more enjoyment within the tangible results that can be seen, and the work being put into gaining the results becomes an enjoyable process. The deep satisfaction at the end of a hard work day will be more rewarding at this time than the hasty results of a project finished with corners that have been cut. As for the sensual desires of Venus, consider what you’re able to pleasurably build together with a partner(s), if you know what I mean…

9 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius. A major trademark of January is the beginning of fixed sign dominance, or shall I say resilience. 2020 had major activity in the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, and the year ended with the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius. This sets up 2021 to have many big aspects in the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. Energetically, this means we are moving from a time of quick action, drastic steps, and assertive behavior into a time of steady habits, patient growth, and stubborn resistance. Mercury joins with Saturn in Aquarius, giving voice to ways that you can demand more. Aquarius aims for the collective structure to have a foundation of fairness, and this aspect favors precision over neglect.

11 Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius. Any abstract idea that comes to you right now should be considered, no matter how wild. Aquarius is a sign that corresponds to the ankles, shins, Achilles, along with our body’s blood circulation and electrical system. Archetypally and physically, Aquarius is progressively pushing forward in new and innovative ways that have yet to be fully understood. Maybe you should go sky diving. Have you checked out the activism happening in your area? Perhaps you think about spending the day at a library. Don’t wait for the people around you to understand your passion. Wherever you’re going, go there fully.

13New Moon in Capricorn. New Moons are an empty sky and blank slate, and cardinal earth sign Capricorn is showing that hard work will be necessary to actually see any of those resolutions into fruition. This New Moon is in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, and this is the sign where Mars is exalted, on the same day these two planets make a perfect square. At the middle of the month, we often are looking at our resolutions and feeling frustrated that things haven’t taken off yet. This year is not the time to expect instant gratification. Don’t expect yourself to accomplish feats that you haven’t prepared to perform, and be willing to put in the work of seeing your dreams become reality. This is a time to get serious about making that reality real. Substantial things that are worth having won’t be built in a flash.

13Mars in Taurus squares Saturn in Aquarius. Squares are aspects in the nature of Mars itself, confrontational and argumentative. Mars and Saturn are the two malefics, or negatively viewed in a traditional perspective, the two planets that move through the zodiac and bring the shit we often don’t want to address. Where Mars flares up a situation, Saturn cools things off to the point of constricting. Frustration can emerge from inner restlessness over slow-moving progress. Occurring in the fixed signs of Aquarius and Taurus, we are reminded of patience. If your engine is constantly running at full blast, then you will surely lose steam before the home stretch. We cannot control everything that happens around us, but we can control our reactions.

14Uranus stations direct in Taurus. The planet of chaos is moving direct, just in time for Mars to join it there! Uranus is a slower moving outer planet that started its journey in Taurus in May 2018, and it will retrograde multiple times and remain there until leaving for good in April 2026. Taurus is a Venus-ruled earth sign, and this will reflect a transition of what we value. Altering appearances, changing diets, switching careers, beginning or ending relationships, and all things that can be started or ended in a hectic state are at the whim of Uranus in Taurus. Checking which house Taurus falls in your natal chart will shed light on which area of life you will continue to see this develop for you.

19Sun moves into Aquarius. The Sun illuminates our bright vital force and connects us to the physical seasons as the planet we inhabit tilts over time. Aquarius has the fixed climb of gradual change, but it’s still moving steadily and can often ignore the call to recharge when so focused on their surroundings. Fixed signs are the middle of seasons, and this is the middle of winter for the northern hemisphere. The wind is harsh, the landscape is neutral, and the cold is permeating. When a hunker down mentality becomes repeated steps of monotonous activity, rest is required to maintain your strength for whatever journey you’ve chosen. The reason why that choice was made has to stay in the forefront of your focus. Aquarius season examines the rules that we have all agreed to follow in society while figuring out how to update those in modernity.

20Mars conjunct Uranus in Taurus. This is the day of the United States Presidential Inauguration. Be prepared to deal with aggression as a response to big, shocking changes. However that looks or feels in your community, tap into that current. Dip your toe into the uneasy waters around you. This transit can manifest as accidents, so mindfully take care of your body. This isn’t quite the best time to attempt a new personal lifting record. On a positive side, you may feel restless about a new year’s resolution not being exactly what you had in mind. Something that you thought seemed ideal may have shown itself to be clearly wrong for your path. If this impulsive urge feels right, then give yourself the flexibility to change and take the steps to explore that.

23Mars in Taurus squares Jupiter in Aquarius. Not as heated as the Mars square with Saturn, Jupiter injects some of its abundant optimism. We can expect to hear speeches about building back better and coming together as one nation, as the real heaviness of the followthrough begins to make its weight known. Promises that are made but not kept do not form a solid foundation for trust. Your own hope should still be given room to roam, with the knowledge that you can end up in trouble if it strays too far from your intended course. The race car that ends up curving around a corner too wide was seeking glory but ended up in the barrier wall.

28Full Moon in Leo. Full Moons show the completely lit up Moon, reflecting an overflow in our bodies that is soon to spill. Leo is a fixed fire sign that shows off and highlights our best assets, and the Moon at her fullness can be full of herself here. Leo will find the spotlight, and any intentions we set going into 2021 are going to receive an end of January look-over. At the end of the first month of the year, we want to start seeing some results from the efforts we’ve been putting into our bodies and minds. In the same breath of expectations, a passion for integrity must remain as Leo’s fixed energy is calling us to keep going. Absolutely celebrate if you’ve gained business sales or lost 5 pounds or cut back to only a half back of cigarettes a day, but don’t let this brief moment of achievement make you lose sight of the bigger victories awaiting you ahead.

28Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. On the same day as the Leo Full Moon, potential image issues emerge. Venus is fallen in Capricorn, and meeting with destructive Pluto can spiral into negative self-talk about your appearance. Give yourself a confidence boost speech in the mirror if you’re feeling dissatisfied. Appreciate what you’ve accomplished if you’re satisfied. Thank your body for all the ways it supports you. List reasons why you’re a wonderful person. Never forget that you are more than the skin suit that you present to the world. Establish your confidence, and hype yourself up into a self-love high. Find some wonderful natural lighting and utilize that Leo Full Moon to take some delicious photos to feel beautiful or share progress pics, ya feel me?

30Mercury moves retrograde in Aquarius. This is the first Mercury retrograde of 2021, and all three of them are happening in air signs this year, giving us an expectation of extra frazzled communication. In an immediate check point, we will see newly appointed leadership have their values tested. The day Mercury stands still and reverses should be notable, and the freshly minted administration may experience technological hiccups in the next couple weeks of moving backwards. Make sure you’re using two-step verification on your accounts if you’re able because hacks could be a prevalent issue across platforms. If your body starts to feel off in a way that you can’t pinpoint, then pay close attention as the real reason may bubble up without warning. Mercury will be moving retrograde past planets in Aquarius, preparing February to be short and stimulating.


Mercury's 2021 Whirlwind: Part 1 of 3


2020 Readings in Time