2020 Readings in Time

At the end of 2019, I was called to do a year ahead spread with Tarot and Oracle cards. I had only done these spreads for myself up until this point, but it became clear that this time was different. I knew this feeling to provide for a greater community was important, so I committed to this offering. Here is all of my collective monthly readings in 2020: from Instagram captions written in sometimes poetic nature, to the video links when I started posting to YouTube. This year shifted my perspective in serving the world, as it shifted so much in so many lives, and I’m grateful to be flowing with the waves. Find all photos and captions before I moved to video format on Instagram.

January, 1/12

This is the first post of my year ahead spread for the first month of 2020, the first year in a fresh decade. This ritual was thought to be personal, but I knew as soon as I started that this was a collective offering to share. I will open every new month with the stone & cards that I pulled for each, allowing my stream of consciousness to present itself genuinely & honestly.

Chrysocolla. Embrace the Dark. 3 of Cups. Earth.

What lies on the other side of our expectations for self? What about our expectations of others? Everyone is multidimensional by our human definition, yet we cannot expect ourselves or anyone else to show every dimension at once. Our dimensions are vast, and they are not all beautiful. We all have a shadow, and life gets much easier when we have compassion for the known & unknown battles we are all facing. There is no light without darkness, and there can be no higher & wider understanding without a resounding knowing of what is. A grounding realism must be taken into account so that we can thrive. Going into the new year, it’s important to not over-hype our resolutions or plans, risking burnout and disappointment. This is a time to keep a stable mind and focused intentions. In such a time, it’s easy to close ourselves off. The opposite is necessary. We must surround ourselves by those who will help us grow, and we must do so with the compassion of knowing that we all contain multitudes. Give yourself patience. Give your loved ones support. Don’t expect more from yourself than you’re ready for, and remember that patience is a virtue.

February, 2/12

⁣Rhodochrosite. ⁣Have Courage. ⁣Eight of Pentacles. ⁣Meditate. ⁣

What would the world be like if every single one of us channeled our energy into where we are most passionate? If love fueled us more than any other desire, then of what would we be truly capable? We all must follow what is true, what lights us up beyond comprehension. Sometimes that means stepping outside of a comfort zone & doing something you never imagined. Sometimes that means doing what you’ve felt inside of you all along & finally are ready to acknowledge. It means aligning your energetic love in its exact source + tapping into that boundless creativity. Are you ready to feel clarity on what you want and commit to making it happen? Are you prepared to love yourself even harder through the frustration of growth? The greatest patience we will learn is towards ourselves, as we will always envision how much more we can progress. Redirection & refocusing are natural parts of the journey in dedication to any craft + art. Give yourself space to breathe when trying to move at the speed of light. We all hold the potential to be whatever we decide to be, in our best and brightest. Start with love, follow the spark, and let your fire be ignited in the furthest direction you can expand.

March, 3/12

⁣Prehnite.⁣ New Life. ⁣Daughter of Swords.⁣ Be Vigilant.⁣

How many times will we reinvent ourselves? How much effort is enough? What is the limit? When reaching for new heights, it is possible to over work yourself by expecting too much. There is a difference between healthy encouragement from peers and negative self comparison. There is beauty in the process, and we cannot forget every step taken. We must find the balance between how steady we push and how much we reset. We can find ourselves without the very thing we want most, even no matter how much effort we have put into it. At some point, our self worth became attached to the accomplishment or attainment of something. We assigned these two together, but this does not hold true. Instead of being led by the sheer rejuvenation in our passion, we are now obsessed with speeding up to get to the finish line. We got so caught up with receiving the final prize that we lost track of every individual success that comes along the way. The journey IS the destination. Slow down. Take a breath. There is clarity surrounding you if you’re willing to see it. Take a look at where you’re at, and continue revitalizing that vision with more & more love wherever you see fit.

April, 4/12⁣

Abalone Shell.⁣ Divine Feminine.⁣ Death.⁣ Be Patient.⁣

Emotions running high. Mindsets vibrating low. Reset. Realign. Recharge. This month will mark two years since my dad died. I knew when I pulled these cards for April in my year ahead spread that this month would be significant. I had no idea how vast that significance truly would be.⁣

We are living in a strange world. The entire next month has been essentially wiped away before it had the chance to begin. There will be so, so, so many other families with a death anniversary in this month once it is over. Have you expressed your gratitude to your loved ones recently?⁣

Our Mother Earth is not asking, but pleading, with all of us to stay at home. Honoring the Divine Feminine that we depend on for our life force also means honoring that energy within ourselves. While our country cycles into spring time and our surroundings are brightly blossoming, we must continue to nourish our cocoon. We are not being repressed; we are being gifted an opportunity to shine even brighter once we emerge. This is for our individual health, our loved ones’ health, and our community’s health: both local & global. Never before have we all collectively had the time to grow in this way. What will we have learned on the other side about society?⁣

Now is not the time to rush the process. In other days, that haste would cause us personal problems. In today’s world, that haste will cause literal harm. We have the power to acknowledge how badly this sucks while simultaneously recognizing the importance of our actions, or lack thereof. Do you want to feel the weight of responsibility for someone’s death, whether you knew them or not? ⁣

The veil between dimensions is razor thin with so many souls passing over right now. More than ever, we must go within. Listen to your heart’s whisper. Start the craft project you’ve been putting off. Hear the chants of your ancestors. Feel the place in history that your soul is currently residing. Prioritize your health. Do not hide from your feelings. Live in the present moment.

May, 5/12

⁣⁣⁣Bumblebee Jasper. ⁣⁣⁣Truth. ⁣⁣⁣Six of Wands. ⁣⁣⁣Let Your Emotions Flow. ⁣⁣⁣

Facts versus Fiction. ⁣⁣⁣

During a time of vast disinformation about both our personal and collective health, there has never been such a need to look at what is real. The truth is not easy, the truth is not simple, and the truth is not susceptible to opinions. The good thing about science is that it’s true whether or not you believe it. We only have influence over our own beliefs, and we must release any desire of control over those who believe differently than us. We must represent ourselves with authenticity and embrace our expression. Truth is absolute, but its perception can be very skewed. One person’s fact may be another person’s fiction based on the colored glasses through which they are looking, and it is no one’s responsibility to adjust the tint on their lens. We can only clean the glass in front of our own eyes. ⁣⁣⁣

Opening our eyes to this new reality feels like thick fog in front of our view as we try to navigate. We are all this butterfly, emerging from our cocoons. Some want to burst forward as quickly as possible. Some want to slowly adjust to the new world before they fly. No matter how fast someone is willing to move, we have all reached this point of freedom. We have risen up above the chaos with the blessed success of health. While the fog is still clearing and the sun is starting to hint at joyous rays to come, we can begin to take stock of where we are and where we are going, knowing that we are moving in the right direction. ⁣

In many ways, we are relearning our world. What was once familiar is now foreign. We cannot expect things to be the same, yet we also want to hold onto all that we are able. While our leaders vacillate over how best to move from this place, we are all individually responsible for how we move through our feelings. At any point in time, especially right now, there is no wrong way to feel. There are infinite sources of positive & negative emotions from this crisis, and it is our duty to our heart that we feel everything. Do not let any feeling slip you by without acknowledgment and exploration. Let the highest highs sing your body electric, and let the lowest lows shadow your mind dark. We can only appreciate how bright the positives are by allowing the weight of the negatives to sit on our shoulders. There is power hidden in the most passionate feelings that we can only access through the depths of experiencing. Allow yourself to crack open, allow yourself to feel the victory we have all been working for, and allow true light to fill the spaces that you’ve newly discovered. 

June, 6/12

Pyrite Sun. ⁣Jealousy. ⁣The Emperor. ⁣Embrace the Feminine. ⁣

The corrupt law enforcement system is being exposed for its misuse of power & abuse of authority. These structures of control have discriminated against and targeted minorities for far too long. A new sense of stability will only exist once the old dynamic has been cleansed & purged. On the most fundamental level, people are seeking justice. ⁣

Peace is met with violence when there could be a teaching moment of understanding. In a world where we focus so heavily on being stronger and tougher, it‘s easy to forget that we need to practice empathy and kindness. We are not looking for divisiveness; we are looking for softness. We all bleed red, and we all deserve to get home safely.

We can find ourselves desiring what others have and feeling green with envy. Sometimes, it could be money. Sometimes, it could be health. Right now, it’s the desire for equal treatment. White people never have to worry about that, but black people get killed for just existing. How fucked up is that? We must use our collective power to acknowledge and confront the inequality in our society. It shouldn’t be a game of comparison. We’re all human. We cannot stay silent when we witness people being treated differently based on their skin color. ⁣

Not surprisingly, many have lately announced a pregnancy. While a health pandemic has made it easy to stay at home, a race war wages in the streets. It is so important that we perpetuate the love & acceptance that we all seek into the next generation(s). It is our responsibility to contribute positively to our community & our world, and it starts with the morals we set at home. Use all of the nurturing energy that you feel towards your own heart and your loved ones, and share that receptiveness with every single human being. We do not need any more racists, bigots, or abusers. We all deserve better, so be better. ⁣

It is time for voices to be heard. Do not just hope for things to get better. Speak up about what needs to change because it will happen if we make it happen. People have been seeking justice for a long time. The time has come to demand it.

July, 7/12

Ruby in Zoisite.⁣ Boundaries.⁣ Four of Cups.⁣ Seek the Lesson.⁣

What have you been tolerating that does not deserve be endured?⁣

It is clearly a time to more selectively evaluate who we allow to be close to us. There are chapters in life where we look around and think about how much can be better. This is a collective moment of reckoning when all of us are waking up to the fact that we have been short-changed, some of us disproportionately more than others. By our government that has not provided, by our communities that have turned against their own people, by some of those closest in our lives who reveal themselves to be prejudiced. The things we decide are “okay” right now will have consequences for the future.⁣

We must sharpen our vision to not be fooled by appearances. Wolves often live inside of sheep’s clothing, and some claiming to be in solidarity contradict their words with their actions. Beautiful shared experiences with someone can blind you from acknowledging their bigoted apathy. There is phony authenticity in the air. Don’t settle on a half-baked version of the truth with incorrect information and faulty statistics. Give your politicians strict scrutiny. Give your friends & family even stricter scrutiny.⁣

There is so much to uncover. Even the most empathetic, compassionate person can still grow & understand more, which shows that the most ignorant of the bunch still has potential to realize their delusions. We learn from our own mistakes, along with those made by others. Revolutionary change is not easy, and do not sugar-coat the depth of these issues for the sake of comfortability. There is strength in both having enough humility to see when you are wrong and having enough self respect to know when you are wasting your energy. The cut off game is gaining acceleration.

August, 8/12

Sandstone. ⁣Past Life. ⁣Ace of Pentacles. ⁣Seek Your Answers Within. ⁣

Imagine the feeling of your toes in earthy and expansive landscapes: sandy beaches, muddy forests, dusty deserts, wild gardens, clay caves, rocky mountains, rushing rivers. Picture many generations walking along these same paths, gathering experiences and wisdom along the way. Each tale is older than time yet carries fresh perspective. You see new life blossoming along with cycles ending and dying, grounding your sense of reality into this present moment. You take new steps forward with confidence and assurance that you’re being guided in the right direction with divine timing. Every external piece of beauty gives you pause to honor both it and yourself, for it took your journey to this very spot for its wonder to be witnessed.

September, 9/12Video

October, 10/12Video

Do you spy that Full Moon in Taurus on Halloween? The Sun is opposite Full Moons, showing off that brightness we see cast onto the Moon. I noted the Sun’s opposition to Uranus in Taurus but not the Moon’s conjunction to Uranus, so let me make this as clear as possible: ⁣⁣⁣

Halloween is going to be ~batshit~ crazy. Uranus is the most unpredictable planet with how it creates change seemingly out of nowhere. The Full Moon will be exact at 10:49EST. Expect things to get downright weird. Protect your energy & stay safe. 🌕 ⁣⁣⁣

November, 11/12Video

Friday the 13th during Scorpio season with a New Moon in Scorpio this weekend 👻⁣⁣⁣⁣

The time is upon us: eclipse season! Eclipses are turning points that bring upheaval, and old paradigms of thinking are flushed out. The first of two eclipses is at the end of this month in chatty Gemini. ⁣⁣

“Are my genuine intentions being coherently expressed?”⁣⁣

Yesterday was the third and final Jupiter/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn of 2020. These have coincided with the highest cases of covid in the US: a literal representation of expanding death. ⁣⁣

This has been so prevalent in America because of our incoming Pluto return in 2022, and the planet moves so slowly that the effects have begun. Our country is going through massive transformation, and the values that we were founded on are being assessed. ⁣⁣

⁣“Am I recognizing my growth? Am I rushing my process?”⁣⁣

Tonight, Mars moves direct after being retrograde since September. Mars is still in Aries, where it’s at home and its intense battling nature finds even more avenues of lashing out. Hiccups & hurdles in the way are finally starting to smooth out. ⁣⁣

Also in its domicile right now is Venus in Libra, relishing all that feels good & pleasurable. The two planets that most influence our relationships are opposing each other, bringing focus into how we interact with those we love. ⁣⁣

“What motivates me to trust?”⁣⁣

⁣⁣The New Moon this weekend is in Scorpio, also ruled by Mars, continuing to highlight the contention that must be addressed. There’s deeply ingrained hatred living in our country, and it’s not enough to avoid it. We are being called to confront the fear both in others & in ourselves. ⁣⁣

Facing the things that are most uncomfortable is how we regain our power back from any threat that has captured it. This means getting clear about what you want and planning the necessary steps to see it to fruition. ⁣

“How does my outer composure and inner dialogue change when I am faced with challenges?”

Keep an eye on my YouTube for the New Moon mirrored movement meditation I’ll be posting. It’s short, sweet, and intended for all levels! Here to support you. 🧡

December, 12/12Video

“How do I implement what I’ve learned from my experiences?”⁣

Some festive and fiery astro weather in December to end the year 🥵🎄✨⁣

“When I hit a road block, does my mind jump to frustration or innovation? ⁣

The New Moon & solar eclipse on Monday is an opportunity to check in on your relationship with faith, the beliefs you hold, and the foundational systems that keep you secure while assisting you to reach new heights. We have 5 planets ingressing (moving) into new signs this month, and Sagittarius energy supports finding bigger meanings within what you already know. Convene with your soul’s freedom, and ask if you’re holding back for the sake of other’s comfort. ⁣

“Am I authentically presenting my wildest desires?”⁣

Jupiter and Saturn meet on the 21st in Aquarius, and they have this Great Conjunction every 20 years: when the most helping planet and most restricting planet come together to realign priorities. This marks a new 200 year cycle where the two planets will meet in air signs, so one might say this is a *big deal.* Air with its intellectual expression and technological advances, we can expect to see shifts forward in how we interact on a personal level and global level. Envision a better reality, one that more uniquely fits your lifestyle. ⁣

“What can I offer and contribute to collective progress?” ⁣

Finishing off the month, we have the first Moon in Cancer without an opposition to Saturn in Capricorn in almost three years, finally free from a habitat of enclosure. In domicile (sign ruled by the planet), the Moon has all of her preferred conditions for comfort. Use this Full Moon and revel in the sensitivity of a new year, of new motivation, of new boundaries, of new chances to feel your most wanted feelings. ⁣

⁣“Am I giving myself the grace I deserve after all I’ve lived?”⁣

Solar eclipse & New Moon in Sagittarius movement meditation is posted on YouTube now 🔥

If you read or watched any/some/all of these, know that my soul honors your time. Thank you.


January 2021 Astrology Forecast


An Open Letter to a Tree