Cloudy Sunrise Shifts
What conditions expose your true light?
The sky dances with the promise of a fresh start
The animals flutter during the stillness of a new day
The horizon splits as the Sun bends space to carve its daily route
What reminds you of your bigness and your smallness?
The way your heart can swell with overflowing emotion
The way your presence can shrink with anxious doubt
Growing and expanding
Shifting and dissolving
What sharpens your awareness and softens your nerves?
Clouds require the perfect condition for their vibrance to be fully witnessed
Breaths of air, massive in size, hovering over populations
Analyzed shapes, minuscule in proportion, piling up in blue corners
Individual magnitude, specific and important
Understanding our place in relation to the space around us
What emboldens you to exist authentically?
Always remembering our inherent perfection
Never forgetting the greater picture that our details help co-create
Always allowing change to flow through as new conditions emerge
Hearing wise whispers from the clouds
Adaptation and metamorphosis speak to strength
<3 MRM