August 2021 Astrology Movements

July’s fixation kept moving into the beginning of August, as if there are unfinished ends needing to be properly tied. Planets moving out of Leo and moving away from the grip of Saturn and Uranus opens up a lighter transition that is very welcome, giving space for creative solutions to be found.

The month begins with Mercury in the heart of the Sun, in the Sun’s home on August 1. Later that day, Mercury opposes Saturn with the Sun opposing Saturn next day on August 2. The last of the inner planets are making their way through Leo, thus meaning they’re also going through the Saturn opposition and the Uranus square within a couple days. Being seen is exposing, vulnerable, and brings comprehension to a spotlighted forefront. This reminds us how human we truly are and how much connection we truly need to thrive. Being seen allows our ego to flourish in the knowingness of its majesty while remembering that we are fallible. No one is self-made in anything, as we are all constantly influenced by our surroundings, thus helping shape our personal uniqueness and how we contribute to the world.

What have you known but not fully accepted yet?

What can you see is important for you to integrate?

What do you wish to more deeply understand?

The New Moon in Leo is August 8, with Uranus squaring the lunation. The New Moon stereotype of wanting to manifest new things isn’t always easy with fixed signs wanting things to stay the same, but Uranus introduces a new factor to consider. An energetic unpredictability that has a vibrant energy, willing to try something new. Or perhaps do something that you’ve done many times before, but do it in a new way that you might not expect. This fiery clarity opens up a deeper understanding of something that could’ve been understood before but didn’t feel real yet. Allowing the ego to have a moment of being their full self, without limiting your potential to shine.

Unapologetically take up space. Do this for yourself. Do not do this to prove to anyone else that you deserve to take up space. Convincing anyone else of this will not change how you feel about yourself, even if it might feel that way. Your dreams, hopes, creations, and passions do not exist to serve others. They exist in your heart, mind, and soul because they serve your general will to exist. If something makes existing more fun for you, then stand up for your right to enjoy it. Do not allow the things that spark a fire in you to only be lit up when others decide it’s relevant. Do the thing that lights you up because you deeply feel and know that it’s your birthright. 

Do you recognize everything you deserve?

Do you feel belonging?

Do you know that your presence matters?

Mercury moves into Virgo on August 11. Despite being at the bendings of the Nodes and despite this transit being very short, the next couple weeks provide a reprieve from the fixed face-off we are enduring. While mercury might be the planet who shifts preferences the fastest, they are quite steadfast in their adoration for Virgo, fitting for the earth immutable sign. In Mercury‘s summer domicile, a quick moving and fast paced target continues moving. The task list is ready to be completed, and it’s time to shift things into motion in a way that feels constructive. Alter your environment to feel the most supportive for efficient productivity. Think about the mechanisms that can propel you towards success, and put those into place. Remember that subtlety and simplicity can often appear very complex until you break down the pieces to understand. Along with that, remember that over complicating something does not inherently make it better. 

Mercury moving away from the Sun gives clarity to harmoniously make things happen once Venus moves into Libra on August 16. Let this be a bolster of lightness and luxury that you’re able to access more easily. This pleasure should feel open and easygoing, and you should know that this sweet breeze deserves to be enjoyed while it’s here. Let yourself feel good without feeling guilty for feeling good despite there being a million negative things you could be thinking about instead. Don’t allow yourself to be hardened to the point of not feeling, and don’t forget to treat yourself with kindness and patience. Life’s hardships require softness to remind you of your humanity.

How do you get shit done?

How do you relax?

How does your body react when things go according to plan?

Mercury and Mars meet in Virgo on August 18, both trining Uranus which moves retrograde the next day on August 19. Mercury is the lead character being in its own sign, while Mars puts the nose to the grindstone. Exercise critical criticism about what should be done better and who is responsible for it not being done well enough so far. Instead of pointing fingers, create a space for open dialogue. Take each piece of information one step at a time, and maintain a sense of intentional understanding in order to avoid cacophony.

Uranus continues to innovate the part of your chart where Taurus is, and this continues to push how you are capable of dealing with new things or new considerations as they’re thrown at you. The way we handle sudden changes, whether expected or not, speaks to a greater self awareness. Taurus brings up nurturing, and as Venus moves into its fall domicile of Libra, we may see abrupt shifts in ways we feel pleasure that have to be adjusted. When you are aware of the kind of nurturing you need, shifts in how it comes to you flow smoother through a foundational knowingness of what’s best.

What do you keep?

What do you throw out?

What could feel even better than it does now?

The second Full Moon in Aquarius is on August 22, and the Sun moves into Virgo later that day. This Full Moon occurs next to Jupiter after it moves back into Aquarius, showing how we can find a more solution based approach compared to the same Full Moon that was right by Saturn a month ago. There is a possibility for things to get better. When you work on improving something, then it does eventually become that way over time. Resilience is an understated value, and so is hope. For as strong as you can be, remember to also have faith that things can work out more positively than you ever imagined.

The Sun wastes no time moving into Virgo after exacting the Full Moon, focusing attention towards what needs to be done. The final planet moving out of Leo and into Virgo pushes towards creative change making. This chapter of 2021’s fixed face-off wraps up until planets begin the shift into Scorpio down the road in a few weeks. This is a wonderful time to make things happen, check off the tasks, and clean the home. This is also a wonderful time to clean up the emotional baggage that you’re carrying but doesn’t belong to you and was placed upon you unwillingly by someone who didn't want to carry it themselves. Take responsibility for what is yours to carry, but do not carry what is not yours.

Do you see your strengths?

Do you see your weaknesses?

Do you see how important both your strengths and weaknesses are to your unique abilities?

Venus in Libra trines Saturn in Aquarius on August 23, my favorite aspect of this entire month! We find a really beautiful transit for opening up pathways to enjoyment. This is a nicer moment of understanding to give Saturn a breather while Venus is in its domicile of Libra, which is also where Saturn is exalted. Think of how progressive ideas can become not only real but enjoyable to experience. Make sure the thing you’re willing to do anything for also makes you feel good. Whatever it is, it should feel good to work hard for it. That calls for a well deserved moment to soak it in. You’re doing great sweetie, keep it up.

As Mercury moves farther away from Mars in Virgo, the final days of the month see Mercury moving into Libra on August 30. It transitions from being copresent with Mars to being copresent with Venus, which is much more pleasant. Imagine your new roommate always wants to keep the place tidy instead of letting everything go to shambles. You’re able to more easily coexist and live together, and you don’t have to be concerned about potentially setting them off. Instead of worrying about something being forgotten to the party, you will be remembering what can be brought to make it more fun. The month ends much sweeter than it started, setting up for the beginning September.

How do you let yourself feel good?

How do you talk sweetly to yourself?

How do you treat yourself similarly to how you treat your most loved ones?

<3 MRM


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