Bodies Are Homes

I’m thinking about how wildly marvelous it is that humans get to exist and feel and connect… while also thinking about how wildly easy it is to take our delicacy for granted. 

You get one body.

Your one body is the only home that you will always have. 

Your one body is the only home that can be yours alone.

Your one body deserves to be cherished in every state of being.

What if existing within your body was a constant state of wonder?

What if existing within your body felt like an experience instead of an obligation?

What if existing within your body was carefree and playful and lacked any judgment about what it “should” look like or be doing?

What if you cultivated a relationship with your body?

What if you listened to your body’s desires, heard its inherent wisdom, and trusted that wholeheartedly? 

What if you genuinely felt that your body was the most glorious place you could possibly ever live?

Just as the planets are in constant motion with less or more visibility in relation to each other,

just as homes get cyclically cleaner and messier as you live,

just as the human body will change with the environments it’s in and with the conditions or triggers surrounding it.

The moment we forget that our body is the foundational threshold through which everything we perceive passes is the moment we forget to honor our sensory intelligence as capable of understanding things that our mind cannot.

Bodies are homes.

Sometimes organized,

sometimes cluttered,

sometimes brightly welcoming,

sometimes an absolute disaster.

The current adjective does not change the sanctity of the noun.

This is probing further thoughts about how some people can weaponize the body or diminish its importance for those with differing levels of ability. Quite frankly, fuck that and fuck anyone who says that. Your body is powerfully wise, regardless of what it can do.

Other probing thoughts are how planet Earth is a home and is a body. She is our shared and only home as humans, and she deserves greater care than she’s receiving right now — just as your body might deserve greater care too.

<3 MRM


September 2021 Astrology Energy


Cloudy Sunrise Shifts