September 2021 Astrology Energy

September is the flowers growing through a fence, pushing to find light while twisting between an unmovable rock and hard place. The inner personal planets are transitioning into signs which they don’t particularly enjoy and with not as much power as they’d prefer, and the only one staying in a sign this month is Mercury who is slowing down and preparing to move retrograde. All planets always continue to move and have something to offer us, just as flowers will always continue to grow and find a way to thrive. Even in harsh environments, even in unpredictable conditions, and even when the odds appear stacked against them.

The first third of the month has ample opportunity for good things to happen, for conversations to flow, and for peace to be realized. This is the last breath of lusciously scented candles that Venus will have for many months. She is moving very fast and zooming through the signs ahead of all other inner personal planets, getting ready for a multiple month long stay in Capricorn this winter. Her last hurrah in Libra are those final days of decadent melting chocolate before cooling and hardening. Winter’s chill warns nature to hunker down and somehow find refuge, and they both use resources they have saved from the good times and recall those good times with fondness to bolster will power through the cold.

Mercury in Libra will trine Saturn in Aquarius in September 4, giving the trickster ruler of the upcoming lunation a boost and amplifying the plentiful and positive trine-topia that is landing in a couple days along with the New Moon in Virgo on September 6. This lunation occurs on a day with a triple trine, as in three planetary trines are going to exact on this day. Mars in Virgo will trine Pluto in Capricorn, Venus in Libra will train Jupiter in Aquarius, and the Sun in Virgo will trine Uranus in Taurus. The New Moon and all these trines are happening in air and earth signs, and trines are the most beneficial and supportive aspect. There is an undeniable prodding and poking that is moving things along, in an advantageous way while also in potentially very annoying way. The planets in earth signs want to make things to happen, but the planets in air signs want to talk about it all first.

The New Moon is also copresent with Mars in Virgo, providing an urgency to do things, almost as if the fence might not be there if the flowers don’t grow fast enough. Perhaps the small roots took a fancy to the bottom of a fence door, only to find out the door will continue opening and closing into infinity, never to allow enough foundation to form. This quality of nitpicking and needing things to be right can fuel the sense of rejuvenation that New Moons carry, insisting that things be as harmonious as possible before proceeding. The flowing air and the resolute earth reflect the flowers softly weaving themselves through the fence’s pillars. While they’re able to bend and flow with the sky’s winds, they have the sturdiness required to facilitate further growth.

The second third of the month is the opening argument in a court room. Opposing sides have to grow close and exist in aversion to each other, in a similar way that lawyers have to sit in the same space next to each other but have contradictory goals. Libra and Scorpio are averse, with no way to create a solid point of contact and without enough similarities to provide a connection point, as fences are too rigid to fully support the nourishing flowers how they would really favor. Venus is the first inner planet to move through Scorpio, rounding out the fixed sign face-off that has been 2021 thus far. The night benefic is beginning the parade of Scorpio transits this fall that will oppose Uranus in Taurus and square Saturn in Aquarius. Often, flowers die if they cannot accommodate to the environment that has been imposed on them. They must switch direction, accommodate the new changes, and figure out how to best maintain life.

Within a couple days, Venus and Mars move into a place of exile that is ruled by the other, talk about a drastic energy shift. The Moon moves into Scorpio roughly 12 hours before Venus moves into Scorpio, and while the Moon moves quickly, her movement with Venus on the same day is hugely significant by putting additional pressure in the sign of Scorpio. Venus moves from Libra to Scorpio on September 10, from gently pleasant enjoyment of domicile to a stop sign wake up call of bluntness, luxurious sheets given severed edges, a carefully plaited braid tossed free with head rolls, soft caresses become firm grips, when dreamy beauty becomes blatantly picked apart. ⁣Mars moves from Virgo to Libra on September 14, from carefully calculated raw data to a delicately arranged file, swords with blades becoming softened and dull, a sharply curving one-way trail leading into a wide maze system of possibilities, critical advice melts into enabling encouragement, when intentional precision turns to forgetful ease of thought.

Venus and Mars existing with their domiciles opposing each other means fully understanding one involves seeing the virtues of the other. The inherent weaving together of the two can’t be ignored, in the way it is nearly impossible to extract the flowers and the fence without one being altered or even destroyed in some way. We are exchanging the calming pleasures for the appalling realities that exist in every corner of the world, whether they are seen or unseen. Once the small buds start blooming and once the roots form deeply into the dirt, it can be difficult to see where one ends and the other begins. The messy and distorted manner of reclaiming these pieces as their own demands a recognition of rawness.

Juicing up the last third of the month is the Full Moon in Pisces on September 20 with a dreaminess that brings a positive light of hope when things can be tough. Mercury in Libra and Jupiter in Aquarius are perfectly trine on this day while the former is slowing down, sighing an extra breath of lightness because these are the rulers of the Sun and Moon during this lunation. Fences often catch rainfall or soft nighttime dew, providing a way for flowers to catch more water and nutrients than they potentially could have otherwise. When the Moon light hits those moist droplets, they can shimmer and glisten under the night sky. This is the starry eyed faith that reminds us to rest. This is the psychedelic coloring book that helps your mind get lost for hours when it’s looking for an escape, fully knowing the lines on the page can contain all of the wildness.

The fall equinox rings loudly with the Sun moving its fall of Libra on September 22, opposite its exaltation of Aries. They will be moving to consume Mercury and Mars, overtaking them to be reborn in the heart of the Sun. Flowers begin to wilt as seasons shift towards the colder part of the year in the northern hemisphere. Any structure that could possibly help boost up any remaining growth is sought after for stability, and they seek strength in numbers to sustain. In the theater, sometimes there’s an actor who hogs the spotlight, and sometimes the actors can’t share the spotlight hard enough. They all want to fit inside of it, they all want to see the bright light illuminating each other’s greatness. Letting others shine can be good for humility or good for finding a copout.

Planets in debility are planets who can’t do what they want how they want, causing an almost second guessing of actions and decisions. With Mercury grinding to a halt in ever-wavering Libra, the fall equinox begins what I’m calling a couple weeks of epic vulnerability. All of the inner planets are either in a sign they can’t vibe with or retrograde, like a flower who can’t figure out which side of the fence post will have the most sun. There is a way to find the best light, but it’s not always the easiest decision when there could be many options. This vulnerable wading through the unknown sets up a chance to go where you’ve never been nor known of before or to go where you have been many times with the eyes and perspective of someone unfamiliar with the space.

Mercury moves retrograde in Libra on September 27 after slowing down to a halt. This will cause Mercury to move closer to Mars again for another conjunction at the beginning of October after having one last month, providing friction to the words you wield. Instead of the last conjunction being in Virgo where Mercury reigns, this one in Libra puts an uncomfortable Venus in charge. Mercury and Mars together brings a fiery tongue normally, and this one could be overwhelmingly or aggressively accommodating. All natural life has cycles of growth and retraction, often due to external stimuli changing. Flowers often grow through structures in ways that they have to be untangled in order to continue growing further. Their soft stems can be unwoven and allowed to move freely. This last Mercury retrograde of the year in air signs provides time to realllllly consider if you’re making the right decisions with the right people.

<3 MRM


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