Big Scary Feelings

Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces.

Written in a few moment blur, finishing on: Mars day, Moon hour, Mars and Moon conjunct and rising. (March 28, 2023 at 12:30 pm)


A hug for a weary heart.

A balm for hardened scars.

A shower for drought-stricken earth.

A catalyst for emotional break through.

A refreshing glass of water for a parched throat, exhausted from overuse and overstimulation.

A bathtub for holding the body as we submerge into a mix of bubbly water and salty tears.

A place for Big Scary Feelings to come alive.


This trine between the two malefic planets during their fresh ingresses into water signs marks a changing of the tides.

There has been a lot of air lately! Saturn’s years in Aquarius and Mars’ extended retrograde stay in Gemini involved mental processing that challenged us to think bigger. But…

What about emotional processing, regulation, health?

What about sadness, depression, worry, loss, grief?

What about joy, exhilaration, pleasure, bliss, euphoria?


Lately I’ve been experiencing an abundance of Big Scary Feelings, as have many of my loved ones. Some familiar, some foreign, all very overwhelming. This is a reminder that crying is a healthy release.

Feelings require a supportive container in order to be felt.

Depending on the container, they are either encouraged to be sensed or shirked to the bottom of the barrel.

What happens to feelings when they are avoided?

They pool together. They become stagnant.  They coagulate into a mass more intimidating than when they were all swimming fluidly.

What happens to feelings when they are vitalized?


Big Scary Feelings become less scary when we let them be big.

They are scary because they are big.

They are big because they are scary.

What if we let our feelings be big?

What if we decide that scary doesn’t have to equal bad?

What if allowing their bigness to take up as much space as they desire transforms them from something to fear into something to revere?

What if, through feeling our Big Scary Feelings, we discover that we had the strength and capacity to carry them all along?



On Passion + Ignition


Pisces Season