Venus Flirtation

I’m looking back on these soft and spicy reflections from the Pisces pile last spring 2021 after the recent Pisces pile of spring 2022. The original writing & tweets, followed by additional thoughts:

A dreamy pool in Pisces, the spring equinox, and fun musings about Venus. 💦💭 ⁣⁣

There’s a New Moon tonight with the Moon, Sun, Venus, and Neptune close together in Pisces. Keep track of any dreams you have, play your favorite music or movies, slip into your imagination. Things may not be as they seem, but you’re allowed to get lost in those illusions sometimes. I think of the pensieve from Harry Potter, a bowl of water you’re able to dive into and adventure through pasts while gathering valuable information for futures. This is a slowed down gooeyness that you should try to lean into instead of rushing. Dip your toes into the fantastical realms beyond, but don’t forget to bring yourself back to solid ground at some point. ⁣⁣

Seasonally, we’re about to move from the fluctuating winter into the rejuvenating spring, as the Sun and Venus are traveling from Pisces into Aries in quick succession before meeting together. Pisces rules over the feet and the lymphatic system, how our body flushes out what’s built up. Aries rules over the head and the adrenal system, what we immediately respond to and intake. During this time, pay close attention to your hydration and drainage. Wash out both physical and spiritual dirt when you bathe. Sweat out your worries when you’re active. Stay aware of congestion bottling up more inside than just fluid. Put a grind of fresh Himalayan or Dead Sea salt into your water for added minerals. Do the extra little steps to prepare your body for the shifts that spring always brings. ⁣⁣

⁣⁣Soaking up the last few juicy days of an exalted Venus in Pisces means sharing a thread I wrote about styles of flirtation through the lens of Venusian teasing. I’ve paired the signs with their opposing sign here because I like the contrast of each axis. As we move into Aries, maybe think about taking more bold steps towards your interests.... 😉 the chart in the last slide is from Physis, Hugh Tran’s stunning astrological glyph font, which I highly recommend! Drop your Venus sign in the comments and let me know how you flirt 👅

“Why do you flirt? Via Venus, because she’s still exalted in Pisces, and this little thread was a shower thought.

Venus in Aries flirts because they savor the chase and challenge that will fluster you into taking your guard down to get vulnerable.

Venus in Libra flirts because they love drawing out a blush by touching a soft spot, flattering themselves by flattering you.

Venus in Taurus flirts because they prefer you to share experiences tangibly, like having a meal together or proving your neck game.

Venus in Scorpio flirts because they can control how intense interactions become and protect themselves from going too deep.

Venus in Gemini flirts because they charm you into revealing your thoughts before any consideration of leaving the friend zone.

Venus in Sagittarius flirts because they take jokes and games seriously, learning how far you’re willing to go to explore each other.

Venus in Cancer flirts because they want to know how comfortable they can be with you and how intimately you could feel like home.

Venus in Capricorn flirts because they have to weight the risks versus rewards of engaging with you and if it’s worth it for any length of time.

Venus in Leo flirts because they enjoy the reminder that they’re desirable while watching the power dynamics between you play.

Venus in Aquarius flirts because they still haven’t decided if you are too different from them to consider or just intriguing enough to pursue.

Venus in Virgo flirts because they can realistic about whether you provide sustainable lust that will stay interesting without getting stale.

Venus in Pisces flirts because they see what potentially could be and are curious if you’re dreaming the same vision that they are.

Look at the chart of any potential partner before y’all become entangled to see where the flirtation resides and how the placements align.”

Venus rules flirting in all its delicious and enjoyable glory, and flirtation requires context. Cheeks turn red, gazes meet, bodies wiggle, eyelashes flutter, a gorgeously human reaction.

Flirtation does not have a quantitative value. There is no way to measure exactly what will get you into someone’s heart or bed. In this way, there is a gamble to flirting that makes it so Venusian.

When we flirt, we gamble. We play our cards, hopefully well, in order to receive pleasure.


Night Chart Shadows


Leo Season