The Pleasure Path

Oh, Venus…

Honoring. Experiencing. Feeling. Enjoying.

I’m absolutely delighted to announce The Pleasure Path: a 10 month journey of dance divination inspired and guided by Venus through the signs.

Dance divination is a marvelous art, one that I’ve grown intimately intertwined and enmeshed within.

It is seeking knowledge through your bodily sensations.

It is uncovering truths that your bones have held since before they formed.

It is feeling the poignant weight of the universe within each movement while simultaneously feeling the fluttering weightlessness within this split second of incarnation.

Earlier this year in February of 2022 we completed a Venus retrograde cycle in Capricorn, and Venus will station retrograde at 28° degrees of Leo next year in July of 2023.

Looking ahead to this forward motion, we will be moving and dancing together with Venus as she moves and dances through her cycle.

Our schedule will follow the Venus cycle, so dance classes will be 3-4 weeks apart, and each will be held while Venus is in the first 10° of a sign.

These dance classes will be held over Zoom, and this offering is accessible to all ability levels.

They will be one hour in length and held on a Monday evening, always during Venus night in my location, from 10 PM to 11 PM eastern time.

Registration includes a recording that will be sent after, and you can sign up on my website for the first class which will be Venus in Virgo, or you can sign up for the discounted package which covers all the classes for each Venus sign and is available at an even sweeter rate until the first class begins.

The Pleasure Path has been bubbling inside me for longer than I consciously realized, and its beauty is ready to emerge.

This project is wholeheartedly representative of the work I want to contribute towards bodying better, as in being a better body through intentional embodiment and through cultivating embodied connections to the world we all live in together.

This offering feels very vulnerable because it’s such a massive piece of my heart, but it’s not fair to keep this to myself when I know every human body can benefit from it.

I am pouring every ounce of love I can into The Pleasure Path, and I pray that the depth of devotion is felt.

Embodiment is for every body, and every body deserves to feel deep pleasure within their skin.

I hope to see you in movement.


Virgo Season


Night Chart Shadows