Planetary People

Planets are people.

They move.

They speak.

They weave.

They breathe.

Planets are people, people that deserve reverence.

Not because of anything that they’ve done to earn it — simply because they exist.

Planets are the movers, shakers, dancers, doers of the sky. They are the bodies in perpetual motion.

Signs are behaviors and characters. Houses are environments and situations. Aspects are conversations and connections. These are all important, absolutely, while still not fully fleshing out the story without the stars who enliven the show and create the dialogue. The planets are the stars of the show.

This is a first step to introduce you to these planetary people. They shape-shift and take forms in a variety of different ways in your life. You can see their potency inside of yourself, other people, places, objects, situations, conversations, environments, communities, among many others.

This is nowhere near an exhaustive list.

You will find endless meanings once you start noticing.

When you meet the planets where you are and where they are, you harmonize with the universal frequency that lives with you, me, everyone, and everything.

Luminaries: light bringers

The Moon — moods, routines, rhythms, memories, reflecting light, conception, vulnerability, housekeeping, caretakers, nourishing, cyclical shifts, the ways in which our body feels different every single day, the sustenance that keeps our body functioning, the gentleness that we feel during rest, how we comfort others and allow others to comfort us, what makes us feel safe and secure, a person who makes you feel truly at home in their presence

The Sun — perception, intellect, inspiration, life breath, illumination, pride, self-centeredness, crowns of office, leaders, building, how we see ourselves, how others see us, how the world sees us, how we feel about being seen, the spark of a bright smile, the appreciation from an audience, exposure that can be uncomfortable, deservedly showing off your glory, a person who truly sees you for all that you are

Personal Planets: understanding you as an individual

Mercury — expression, education, interpretation, translation, commerce, curiosity, versatility, inconstancy, theft, language, exchanges, orators, messengers, tricksters, communicating, raw data and information, the specificity of your laugh, linguistic jokes about word usage, how you pick ideas apart, a person who understands what you’re intending to mean from what you’re saying

Venus — desire, love, pleasure, music, perfumes, beauty, affection, eroticism, charm, unity, the softness of sex, artists, lovers, magnetizing, what you are drawn to, the people that catch your eye, pure lust for a partner, harmony within relationships of all kinds, the joy inside a warm embrace, how and what you value, a person who makes you feel gorgeous for simply existing in your own skin

Mars — action, aggression, agitation, passion, violence, weapons, activity, bravery, competition, the heat of sex, warriors, activists, energizing, the force that propels you into going and doing, the sweat that drips off you during a workout, the gas pedal, how you let off steam when frustrated, how you physically move through the world as an incarnate being, a person who ignites your inner fire

Social Planets: relating to your collective

Jupiter — abundance, justice, dignity, alliances, wealth, prosperity, possibilities, faith, expansion, exploration, indulgence, judges, mediators, priests, affirming, saying yes, generously sharing with others, journeys to lands that you’ve always wondered about, the bookshelf holding infinite thought-provoking questions, how you define right and wrong, a person who gives you hope for a better tomorrow

Saturn — time, solitary, boundaries, restraints, responsibility, discernment, patience, precision, grief, structures, elders, enduring, saying no, long-lasting, walking the road less travelled by yourself, watching clock hands tick, the timeless class of an antique, the brake pedal, how you maintain your integrity when tested, a person who shows you that good things are worth waiting for

Generational Planets: interacting with your place in time

Uranus — chaos, change, unpredictability, disruption, electricity, collapse, revolution, the unconventional and unusual, a brand new invention that shakes the world, how you burn bridges to create a new one, a person who upends your preexisting notions of how something should be

Neptune — fantasy, deception, illusion, idealism, dreams, mind-bending, mind-numbing, dissolving truth, the confusion when you can’t figure out what’s happening, how you get lost in the cosmic sauce, a person who causes you to second guess what reality actually is

Pluto — transformation, power, greed, extremes, virality in media and disease, digging under the surface to bring forward the underbelly and underworld, the destruction of everything you once knew, how you measure change within an always changing world, a person who triggers you

Always remember that these significations, symbols, and representations will take shape in your life in a way that is unique to you — meaning that your relationships with these planets is filtered through your own perspective of where that planet lands in your natal chart.

I hope this introduction brings you closer to the planetary people that we are constantly dancing with, celestially and sensually.




Aries Season