Path’s Redirection

Saturn is exalted in Libra, and this Libra season is already showing me ways I have to say “no” to some things in order for more beautiful things to rise to the surface.

The Pleasure Path is not happening as initially planned; something more vibrant and powerful is brewing that will do more good for more people than my original idea ever could have. I won’t be deleting anything I’ve posted or written about it because I don’t have interest in erasing my work when I’m still proud of it.

I want to be open about my experiences and transformations. Here is the email I sent to my mailing list in early October announcing a major change:

The last month and a half has been a whirlwind. I traveled to Colorado for the ISAR conference and connected with so many wonderful and brilliant astrologers, colleagues, and friends. The dance season began at the delightful studio where I work. I celebrated my beloved's birthday. I gave dozens of plants a new home in my yard. I watched my friends be the hottest two brides ever and unite in marriage. Then I made it through my first major hurricane since living in Florida.

The Sun moved through my 10th House, a time of reckoning with how I'm seen. The Sun is now moving through my 11th House, a time of reckoning with how I hold space.

Last night I sent an email to the lovely people who signed up for The Pleasure Path package, committing to all 12 classes of Venus through the signs, telling them that I had initiated a full refund and was not continuing with it as originally planned.

Why? Well, a lot of reasons. And none of them are bad.

I had only held one class thus far: Venus in Virgo. It was more amazing than I could have imagined, I received wonderful feedback, but still felt something could be better. Initially I felt this would look like making small structure changes to the classes before realizing it must be bigger than that. Way bigger.

I had no internet for days during Hurricane Ian, during which an uncomfortable abundance of reflection occurred. Thankfully I am safe, along with my loved ones, only some small damages to repair and some new perspectives to integrate.

Venus, and more specifically Aphrodite, came to me with gentle encouragement. She recognized my intentions and my efforts, while providing some tough love with the message that I had perhaps taken the easy route. At the time I hadn't seen another route, surely because it was overgrown with moss and ivy, and I hadn't gone looking for anything else when The Pleasure Path easily emerged. I've taught dance for over 10 years and could practically do it while asleep. Even though it's not an easy thing, guiding movement feels easy for me. And as much as I love, adore, and thrive in teaching dance... that is exactly why I must shift.

During my storm reflection, I realized that these feelings were emerging because the format of these classes felt more like teaching specifically what to do to connect with planetary bodies instead of teaching how to connect with planetary bodies. We all have a body, and the individual expression and experiences of that body shape how we connect with any and every other body in the world. It might not have translated that way, but I couldn't un-see or un-feel this and was struck with the knowingness that I wanted to empower others to facilitate their own embodied connections.

Let me provide some astrological context. Virgo and Libra season are not easy for me. My dear dad had his Sun in Virgo sandwiched between Uranus and Pluto, and he had a powerful Libra stellium. He was thoughtful, loving, hilarious, and kind to a fault. Our relationship was always amazing, which makes the grief even more intense when it bubbles up from the depths.

Mercury's retrograde journey between Virgo and Libra has given me an opportunity to reflect on how I show up in the world and what I am able to offer. Venus moving from Virgo to Libra has given me an opportunity to assess how I feel about my work. All throughout this, I've been thinking about how different life would be if my dad were still alive and if I could talk to him about all of my ideas.

I had to get very real with myself and admit that I cannot hold space in this way for such a prolonged period of time. Venus rules my Libra 11th House, but Venus lives in my Gemini 7th House. Community can induce stress, and intimate interactions are where I thrive. Teaching and facilitating group containers brings me joy, but I recognize that guiding individuals through their growth processes holds a more special place in my heart.

Change can be really fucking hard.

I really did not expect this abrupt shift whatsoever and have been processing extremely conflicting feelings. I feel like a disappointment for promising something that I no longer felt aligned with, while also feeling liberated that I am moving in a more organic direction.

The next step for me in this work is the how. I've been planning for months to create an offering that dives deep into my theory of planetary embodiment. This approach puts the power in each individual's body to connect in a way that feels authentic. Realistically I didn't expect to work on this so soon, but the gods and goddesses have told me, and more bluntly have demanded of me, the time to work on it is now. There's been enough of the what and not enough of the how – and I want that to change.

I don't have a date for this offering, workshop, or whatever it will be yet. All I know is that it will be held digitally over Zoom with a recording available after, and I intend to have a transcript done for accessibility.

This isn't exactly a replacement for The Pleasure Path because I don't feel that offering is replaceable. However, this will be better in the sense that it will reverberate with more long-lasting potency. I don't desire for people to rely on me to facilitate an embodied connection with the planets. I desire for people to have confidence in their power to have an embodied connection with the planets without requiring anyone else to facilitate.

Change can be really fucking hard, but a wise elder once told me that “growth happens when you're brave enough to step outside of your comfort zone.”

To be completely transparent, my books for consultations are closed right now. They will reopen in about two weeks, and I'll be sending an email with the scheduling link when I'm ready because y'all hotties on my mailing list always get first dibs on time slots. My offerings are changing shape, something that I'm sure is no surprise if you read this entire email thus far. Recently I've been doing a lot of synastry and compatibility work within relationships and families, along with accidentally becoming very skilled at rectification.

Despite the shame and guilt I've been internally battling, I feel exhilarated to move forward in a new way. I would absolutely love to hear your thoughts about this change or about anything that's been happening, from the news to the current astrology to your life.

Thank you, again and always, for witnessing my growth through any discomfort as I discover new spaces to stretch within.


Libra Season


Raging Mars and Bloody Sticks of Fire