May 2022 Planetary Movements


Always: my birthday month and the month where summer takes over because we alllll know spring doesn’t last until June. ☀️

In 2022: the month of Mercury retrograde in Gemini and Taurus, the month of a Full Moon eclipse on the Taurus/Scorpio axis, and the month of the Mars & Jupiter smooch in Aries!!!! ❤️‍🔥

Jupiter in Pisces has been beautiful (and we have a leeeetle bit more of it during fall), but I am SO READY for Jupiter in Aries. The excitement, the action, the fervor! Maybe it’s all my fire and Mars energy talking, but I’m lit up about this transit.

May is inspiring me to think of depths. The depth of knowingness that is required to be sure of anything, the depth of emotion that is held in the soul, the depth of darkness that is found when searching for light, the depth of experience that each person holds in their flesh memories.

I first heard the concept of “flesh memories” in the Harry Potter movies relating to the golden snitch. This was initially so confusing to fathom because *all* memories are flesh memories.

Every memory is stored in our body. Every memory ignites a physical sensation when called upon. Every memory leads us back to a time, place, environment, situation that has very tangible feelings connected to it.

How do we traverse these depths? How do we react when plunged into these depths? How do we become comfortable in these depths?

I love including doors in these images, and the door this month reminds me of an almost unnoticed rabbit hole. It’s a door that could lead to a vast magical world full of never before seen wonders, just as much as it could lead to a small home where someone finds shelter and refuge.

Each person’s depths have a different look, flavor, and energy. You can’t make someone become comfortable with their depths. You can support them on the journey there, but you cannot force an outcome or timeline.

How do you feel about the shadows existing within the depths that you carry with you all the time? How do you feel about holding the mirrored realities of light and dark? How do you feel about your body holding your memories inside of your skin’s flesh container?

Important credits here:

My monthly aesthetic/transit calendar/mood board is always inspired by the artwork from Alex Maune in the Honeycomb Collective astrological almanac. The way that they depict the decals and transits is breathtaking, and sitting with their images throughout the month has immeasurably deepened my relationship to the decans. 💛

My thoughts on depth have been forever shaped by the work of Jo O’Neill and Diana Rose Harper on the 12th House. Their words on this house and this topic are heartfelt and catalytic, transforming my relationship to my 12th House and my coziness with existing inside of depths of all types. You’re missing out if you haven’t engaged with their work. 💛


Gemini Season


Full Moon Feasting — Full Moon in Libra 2022