March 2022 Planetary Movements

Lunations, planetary ingresses + stations + conjunctions:

3/2 11:32AM — Mercury and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius

3/2 12:34PM — New Moon in Pisces

3/3 3:43AM — Mars and Pluto conjunct in Capricorn

3/3 12:56PM — Venus and Pluto conjunct in Capricorn 

3/5 9:06AM — Sun and Jupiter conjunct in Pisces

3/6 1:22AM — Mars moves into Aquarius

3/6 1:29AM — Venus moves into Aquarius 

3/6 2:12AM — Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius

3/9 8:32PM — Mercury moves into Pisces

3/13 7:42AM — Sun and Neptune conjunct in Pisces

3/18 3:17AM — Full Moon in Virgo

3/20 11:33AM — Sun moves into Aries

3/21 2:06AM — Mercury and Jupiter conjunct in Pisces

3/23 1:43PM — Mercury and Neptune conjunct in Pisces

3/27 3:44AM — Mercury moves into Aries

3/28 3:27PM — Venus and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius

*all times in EST — eastern standard time*

Highlighted interactions of the month:

March begins with a loud bang because the New Moon in Pisces on March 2 is an extremely special lunation. It aligns with multiple significant planetary conjunctions: Mercury + Saturn in Aquarius, Venus + Mars + Pluto in Capricorn, and the Sun + Jupiter in Pisces. All of these planets being so close to another at one time brings forward very clear themes of Jupiter versus Saturn.

Jupiter-ruled Pisces wants to dream about a better world, where we can all be at peace with one another. Saturn-ruled Capricorn and Aquarius wants us all to be practical about what it will actually take to reach that. There is positivity, optimism, and hope from Jupiter while there is negativity, seriousness, and reality from Saturn. In the midst of witnessing European countries at war and watching the rights of transgender children being ripped away in Texas, the air is heavy with the possibility of equality and the responsibility of what it will require.

The houses in your chart where Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces are placed are receiving heavy emphasis. The beginning of March holds some of the most major alignments in a short period of time in 2022 that will shape this month and the overall energy in the year. This sets the tone for how we will have our faith tested in troubling times and if we doubt our ability to build a better future, both around us in the world and within our individual lives.

Venus and Mars are continuing their back and forth tango in the sky, with both of them marching forward into Aquarius together at the beginning of the month. Venus has now regained speed and moves past Mars to begin a month of besiegement. This is a term that refers to being enclosed between two malefics, and Venus will be sandwiched between Mars and Saturn in Aquarius until she meets and passes Saturn on March 28.

This puts Venus at a disadvantage, despite finally being free of Saturn’s earthy domicile of Capricorn, where she was for months due to a retrograde cycle. Although she is now moving direct at normal speed, she is stuck between a rock and a hard place of Mars and Saturn. Venus is asking us to weigh the costs of our actions and encouraging discernment within desire. In moments of feeling stuck, remember to find small pieces of pleasure that can sustain you through the tension.

The themes from the first few days of the month will carry throughout, with the emotional Pisces energy swimming even more wildly once Mercury moves there and with the stern Aquarius energy keeping that enjoyment tied to the dock as Venus remains crunched. Mercury might be in exile and fall in Pisces, but Jupiter is there to provide both joyful lightness and intuitive depth. Words are abundant, and the bigger picture is seen.

When the Full Moon in Virgo arrives on March 18, we are asked about our follow through and whether or not our ideas were executed well. All of the Pisces energy swirling in the air can grow murky, as Neptune always adds an illusionary fog to whatever they touch, and this lunation brings clarity. Planets moving through Pisces and joining Neptune can make things questionable, and this Full Moon will be perfect for ironing out the details which may have been lost, hidden, or forgotten.

There will be a zesty flame ignited when the Sun moves into Aries on March 20. The Sun is exalted in Aries, meaning it is their high place of honor. This finally puts energy into a sign that isn’t Jupiter or Saturn ruled, and it begins to light up Mars. This brings more movement, more action, more aggression, and more initiative. Mars spent all of their time in Capricorn pushing the limits of Venus while in their exaltation, and once Venus moves ahead, Mars pops back up with vigor to remind us that they like to run the show. Spring begins with a boost of excitement.

March ends with us waiting for what happens next because Venus just breaks free from Mars and Saturn, leaving Mars left to join with Saturn and the frustration that will cause. April starts in a similar fashion to March, with epic, booming alignments happening in the beginning of the month.


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