Introducing the Zodiac Collective…

Beginning at the spring equinox when the Sun moves into Aries, I will be posting a blog with information for each Solar ingress to create a zodiac collective! The intention is to create a timeless resource that can be continually referenced during each season and each year. 

This is both a service to individuals who can benefit from this work and a devotion to Saturn. Right now, I’m in the first of two Saturn-ruled profection years, and the second one begins at the end of May. 

Profections are a Hellenistic timelord technique that divies up each year and age to each house in the natal chart, and this cycle repeats throughout a person’s life. The first year of life belongs to the first house, the second year of life (once you turn one year old) belongs to the second house, and so on.  

Saturn rules Capricorn and Aquarius, meaning that the Saturn-ruled profection years occur in succession. I’m having these two years with Saturn present in the house of my chart that is profected, then Saturn will move through my profected houses before my Saturn year in a couple years.

Aka, I have a ye olde fuck ton of Saturn lessons happening right now. 

My natal Saturn is in my fifth house, indicating this will be a patience project surrounding a creative endeavor that I love. For me, creating astrology content and resources requires both the burst of inspiration to make it a reality and the long-term endurance to ensure it’s sustainable. 

The zodiac collective includes direction, embodiment, and adoration for each sign. 

Direction will include general significations for each sign such as their symbol, ruling planet, element, and modality. All planets with dignity or debility here will be listed, along with key words. This direction is to help you ground into that sign’s energy as you move through the season.

Embodiment will include the body rulership for each sign and movement suggestions. The doctrine of melothesia is the association of parts of the body with the zodiacal signs. This embodiment is to provide context for where in your body might be feeling more intensity and how to direct that energy.

Adoration will include gassing up all placements of that sign, advice for showing them appreciation, and implementing these characteristics into your life. Each sign carries unique gifts and strengths, and these can easily be overlooked. This adoration is for love, hype, and inspiration!

I hope that these resources can usher in each new season with perspective and joy. 

It’s important that I properly credit my sources! While I’ve worked to observe the sign’s energies over time, there is no knowledge that happens in a vacuum.

My main sources for this information are as follows… Hellenistic Astrology: The Study of Fate and Fortune by Chris Brennan, Ancient Astrology in Theory and Practice by Demetra George, Body Astrology by Claire Gallagher, The Astrology of Love and Sex by Annabel Gat, and Love Signs by Linda Goodman. 


Aries Season


International Women’s Day 2022