April 2022 Planetary Movements

Lunations, planetary ingresses + stations + conjunctions, with key phrase for each:

4/1 2:24AM — New Moon in Aries // clarification of ambitions

4/2 7:10PM — Mercury and Sun conjunct in Aries // forward moving, fast burning expression

4/4 9:51PM — Mars and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius // pressure cooker due to implode

4/5 11:17AM — Venus moves into Pisces // orgy in a pool with neon lights

4/10 10:09PM — Mercury moves into Taurus // taking your sweet time to decide

4/12 10:42AM — Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Pisces // confusing, cosmic sauce on a buttered roll

4/14 11:05PM — Mars moves into Pisces // waterproof, spring assisted knives

4/16 2:55PM — Full Moon in Libra // me, you, us, them, everyone

4/18 12:51AM — Mercury and Uranus conjunct in Taurus // no arguing about yeast

4/19 10:24PM — Sun moves into Taurus // the higher thread count, please

4/23 12:27PM — Mercury and North Node conjunct in Taurus // conversations at the farmer’s market

4/27 3:11PM — Venus and Neptune conjunct in Pisces // an overflowing dream journal

4/29 2:35PM — Pluto stations retrograde in Capricorn // think twice about that investment

4/29 6:23PM — Mercury moves into Gemini // clickity clack don’t talk back

4/30 4:28PM — New Moon & Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus // intensification of necessary resourcefulness

4/30 5:13PM — Venus and Jupiter conjunct in Pisces // luxurious plane ride into paradise

*all times in EST — eastern standard time*


“April is the cruellest month, breeding

Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing

Memory and desire, stirring

Dull roots with spring rain.”

— T. S. Eliot


This month brings the highest highs and lowest lows. We see the most attractive and repulsive alignments, the conjunctions of both benefics and both malefics.

Humans exist on a myriad of spectrums. Some falling starkly to one side, some on the other, with most somewhere in between in all ways. Moments arrive in flashes where you see the contrast within these spectrums of life.

Just as there is a bubbly hot tub whirlpool of energy in the mutable water sign this month, you are existing inside of contradictions and multiplicities with heightened awareness of your emotional range.

Hot water and cold air. Fire and ice. Turned on and turned off. Open and closed. Sweet and salty. Savory and sour. Dawn and dusk. The delicious unctuousness of warm soup and the stinging spice on the throat. The aromatic scent of a candle and the rancid smoke when extinguished. The shattered glass and the antique mosaic.

Everything exists on a spectrum.

Experiencing such wildly different planetary configurations during a month often aligned with rejuvenation and growth during the northern hemisphere’s spring can cause confusion about whether things are growing in a healthy or unhealthy direction. Let that confusion wash away, let the truth be exposed, and let only the connections remain that are truly sparking joy.

You are going through a crash course in discernment. I want you to soak in every possibility that you can possibly fathom before diving all the way in on any one specific thing.

Keep some important dates in mind.

The malefic conjunction of Mars and Saturn occurs on April 4. They bring the unfavorable and challenging things like aggression, violence, solitary, and responsibility.

These two planets are meeting in Aquarius, Saturn’s domicile. Think friction, tension, and annoyance. Mars wants to go go go, but Saturn wants to take their time. Aquarius is a fixed air sign, meaning there will be disagreements about things that have been said and the follow through, ummm or the lack thereof. Promises made, promises kept, promises broken, promises forgotten. Be impeccable with your word because your words will be remembered.

Mars begins to separate from Saturn and will enter Pisces on the 14th, a few days before the Sun enters Taurus on the 19th. This signifies the second half of the month transitioning to a bodily focus. Saturn becomes the only planet in an air sign and with no traditional or modern planets in fire signs besides the transiting Moon. Earth and water will weigh you down and make things tangible. Thoughts become felt. Emotions drop into the body. What was quick moving and transitive turns slower and contemplative.

The benefic conjunction of Venus and Jupiter occurs on April 30. They bring the favorable and encouraging things like love, pleasure, abundance, and prosperity.

These two planets are meeting in Pisces, Jupiter’s domicile and Venus’ exaltation. Talk about steamy, ya feel me? Pisces is a mutable water sign, meaning there will be carefree emotions that are bouncing all over the place. This is happening on the same day as an eclipse/New Moon in Taurus and mere degrees away from Neptune, simultaneously when Mercury moves into Gemini.

My favorite description for Neptune is “getting lost in the cosmic sauce.” It might be good, it might be bad, and it might exist on another spectrum that you’ve never considered.

Neptune will be clouding clear judgment while eclipse chaos is running wild. It’s important to not overpromise and to not idealize a situation into being something it’s not, especially as fleet footed Mercury will be ready to talk quick.

I’ll go ahead and say it: this is not the time to have unprotected sex if you don’t want children. All of the benefic juice in the sky with a very spicy and sensual eclipse spell out a recipe for juices flowing. Wrap it up, stay safe, and make choices that will result in practical good instead of what feels good in the heat of a slippery moment.

The conjunctions in Aquarius and Pisces are averse with no major aspect and can’t see each other, but Taurus makes the hard square aspect to Aquarius. While Mars continues bopping along into Pisces, don’t think for one second that Saturn isn’t relevant. Saturn is sitting at the bendings, between the North and South Node.

When a planet splits the Nodes, you see them compromised. They want to overdo it, but they want to pull back. In the same way you are being pulled between a soft and harsh reality this month, you will feel Saturn at the bendings punctuating the mission and message of these Nodes.

As eclipse season dawns again, this is the first set of two eclipses on the Taurus/Scorpio axis since the Nodes shifted. We had one eclipse here last fall, but the Nodes were on the very edge of Gemini/Sagittarius right before changing signs, giving us one eclipse on the current nodal axis and one on the upcoming ingress axis. These upcoming eclipses will both finish a cycle that started in November and mark the beginning of a new six month cycle, along with the wider scale view of how the eclipses on this axis will play out over the next year and a half.

April begins and ends with a doozy whirlwind, both with very different flavors that surely pack a punch. The month will have an undercurrent of mixed emotions, and you are given the chance to witness the multidimensional layers inside of you and the world around you. Don’t get too attached to the breeze, and have fun riding the waves.


“And I will show you something different from either

Your shadow at morning striding behind you

Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you;

I will show you fear in a handful of dust.”

— T. S. Eliot


Taurus Season


Solar Poetry