Animistic Care

How do you treat beings that have less than you? Less strength, less size, less stability, less resources, less protection? ⁣


I’ve had my little chiweenie rescue for nine and a half years. I’ve had my big standard poodle for four years. One might say that it was an, ahem, adjustment for the two of them getting used to each other as siblings. ⁣

Peaches was clearly abused at the bowl and had to fight for food because she would grab a few kibbles and run to the opposite side of the room to eat for the first few years that I had her. ⁣

It took time for Peaches & Woody to reach balanced food bowl etiquette. He would try to eat at the same time as her, but she saw that as a threat and would defensively bark. He interprets every dog barking at him as, “oh my gosh they want to play!” which would lead to even more. ⁣

Now, this is where we are. Woody sits by the food bowl and protects Peaches while she eats. He patiently watches over her and stays still until she’s back on the couch after she’s done. ⁣


Humans are animals. We have a choice to approach foreign situations with empathy or apathy. Caring for others is vital. Progress happens when bridges of understanding can be crossed together.⁣

Extend a giving hand, especially towards those who have struggled in ways you have not experienced & especially during this particular holiday season.


Saturn's Time


Creation with Intention